Blurring the Line Between Business and Pleasure

Blurring the Line Between Business and Pleasure

One of the things a man prizes most highly in a garment should be its versatility. It can be difficult to find something that looks simultaneously appropriate yet distinctive in any environment, but at Seattle Thread, we pride ourselves in providing just that. We believe that a good blazer should garner as many double-takes in a meeting as at the bar, and that your shoes should be able to move from dinner to gallery opening to dancing as easily as you can.

We’re selling clothes for life, not costumes for an occasion. Your apparel is a way of expressing a personal brand and identity, and that isn’t something that should change depending on where you’re at or what you’re doing. Here are a few ideas for how to mix your business and casual wear to the greatest effect, because ideally, there shouldn’t be much of a difference.

Leather Shoes 

It’s a marvel that the best shoes designed to stand up to dirty, demanding physical labor are typically made from the same material as the best shoes for the boardroom or even the ballroom. Leather is timeless, and as beautiful as it is practical. A pair of leather sneakers can be as at home at the office as at the cafe, and there are very few places an elegant pair of oxfords won’t make sense. For a particularly versatile shoe, we recommend Chukka boots, which combine casual laces and smooth leather uppers for a look that’s always comfortable, fashionable, and above reproach. Chukka boots are also appropriate in almost all seasons, and can be worn with linen, jersey, jeans, or wool. 

Add Some Color 

One misconception we hope to help our customers shake is that the office is no place for color. You might think that sticking to blacks, grays, whites and navies will help you keep it professional, but the office is somewhere you should aim to stand out. Don’t be afraid to let your wardrobe reflect the vibrancy of your ideas, especially in the warmer months. Light-colored cotton sports coats or knits in purples, greens, khaki, or pastel will help you bring some of the color from a beautiful Seattle day indoors, and you’ll be just as welcome a breath of fresh air. Indeed, you might even want to save those blacks and grays for the bar, club, or concert, so no one mistakes you for another frat boy in a garish polo.


We understand that V-necks are a classic office staple, but would like to urge you to consider all your options when you’re dressing for the day. Try wearing what you wear on the weekend to work and you’ll soon see how much power the personality of your clothes really has. For example, pairing a sport coat or blazer with a crewneck sweater sans collared shirt underneath is a youthful, fair-weather look that suggests the kind of confidence that only comes with having something valuable to say. We also appreciate the laid-back, athletic, Pacific Northwest vibe of a zip-up sweater in the office. If you’re more academic than outdoorsy, get some cardigans in your rotation. You’ll notice that when you let your sweater say something about your skills or interests, you’ll start getting more respect for exactly the things you’re good at.

When we imagine our Seattle Thread customers, we imagine a group of men with diverse talents, backgrounds, ages, and interests. What they do have in common is knowing how to break the rules, and to use their wardrobe to highlight, not disguise, their personality. Just as with clothing, we believe that versatility in a man is an asset and a source of strength. We hope to help you highlight your versatility from night into day, every day.

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