4 Reasons to Ditch Your Sneakers for Good

4 Reasons to Ditch Your Sneakers for Good

There's nothing better than throwing on your favorite pair of casual shoes for a quick trip down the street or for everyday errands, but as they say, the shoes maketh the man. While some modern styles definitely compliment a good pair of Chuck Taylors or Jack Purcells, men pushing 30 definitely need to upgrade their shoe game if they want to be taken seriously and ditch the juvenile look. If you (or your boyfriend) need some convincing, here are a few reasons why you should ditch the sneakers for a solid pair of well-made leather shoes. 

A Good Pair of Shoes Shows You Have Good Taste 

A man's shoes are often the first thing a woman notices about him - and for good reason. A pair of well-made, well-groomed shoes show that the wearer cares about his style and his appearance, but also goes the extra mile to actually do something about it.

A Well-Made Pair of Shoes Will Last You 20 Years

With the right upkeep and care, that pair of $300 full-grain leather shoes may last you a good chunk of your life. Get a shoe shine kit and make nice with a cobbler (they still exist) to extend the life of your shoes and they'll reward you for decades to come.

Cheap Sneakers Can't Be Rescued from Disrepair

Those cheap, factory-produced sneakers you find in department stores aren't meant to last more than a year. Worse yet, if they fail or begin to break apart, there's very little you can do to fix them before they start to look ratty. 

Sneakers are More Expensive in the Long Run 

Even if you drop $100+ on a pair of brand-name sneakers, they'll need to be replaced every year or so, whereas an investment in a pair of decent $300 shoes will last for years with a couple of resoling. The Silentist has a great breakdown of the costs associated with men's shoes and the results may surprise you. 

Ready to up your shoe game once and for all? Stop by Seattle Thread Company or browse our store to see what we've got in stock.

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