Summer Vacation Necessities

Summertime is a time for travel and enjoyment, but when it comes to packing it seems to be difficult deciding on what to bring. So lets pretend we are going somewhere tropical and staying for about two weeks.

Most commonly when vacationing to a tropical destination you are usually in your bathing suit from sunrise to sunset. Because this is true try to pack about the same amount of swimsuits as vacation days. For your commute from the hotel to the beaches and pools you are going to want a light tank top or t-shirt, so make sure you are bringing a variety of both. You will need a sturdy flip flop since a numerous amount of times on vacation they have been known to break leaving you at a loss. Go for something made of leather such as an Olukai Sandal, this way you will know that you will be set for your trip. Bringing a hat and sunglasses is also key to keep yourself protected from the sun.




Let's transition to dinner attire. Seems like you may need a lot of clothes, but if you bring the right items you can mix and match. It would be ideal if you could bring about three pairs of shorts, making sure you have at least one black pair, also bring one pair of denim jeans.These bottoms will allow a base to be created for your outfits.

Next onto shirts. About four, short sleeve shirts would be ideal to be worn with the bottoms that you brought for your night dinners and adventures. Bright colors will look best in photos against the tropical background. Long sleeves might seem far fetched at the moment but try to pack a few of these as well. Think to the nights where you are out to dinner at a restaurant sitting inside with air conditioning, you are going to want to be covered. Eating outside? Summer tropical breezes are going to feel most comfortable if you are wearing a long light sleeve button down especially once the sun has set. For night time it would nice to have a slip on loafer that you would be able to match with all your shirts and shorts.



Staying active on your trip is vital for you feeling fresh while consuming all those extra treats. Pack a few items of your favorite exercise gear and sneakers and you will be set for a jog along the beach, or a morning stroll.

With these jet setting tips, you are set to kick back and relax.

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